snail Backyard to the Universe snail

Following are references that have been used throughout the curriculum. The specific sections that used a reference is noted in [ ] under the reference. Additional references specific to a particular session are noted on the Session Plan. There are various other resources that can be used, including the Internet and local resources. Therefore, this should be seen as a beginning listing.

A Faith People Make, Stephen Kendrick, 1988 and 1997 (UUA Bookstore)
[Anthony, Barton, Dix, Emerson, Howe, King, Murray, Priestly, Young]

Notable Universalist and Unitarian Women, Unitarian Universalist Women's Heritage Society, June 1997 (147 High Street, Medford, MA 02155,
[Anthony, Barton, Dix, Howe, Jackson, Nightingale, Ovington, Potter, Reynolds]

People Like Us: Stories about Unitarian Universalists, Volume 1, Elizabeth Gillis, 1988 (72 Peterborough Street, #35, Boston, MA 02215)
[Anthony, Barton, Dix, Potter, Priestly, Schweitzer, Thoreau]

A Stepping Stone Year, Margaret Gooding, UUA, 1989 (UUA Bookstore)
[Barton, Latimer, Lismer, Potter]

A Stream of Living Souls, Denise Tracy, Delphi Resources, Inc., 1986, Volume I. (421 South Clinton Avenue, Oak Park, IL 60302)
Vol.I : Anthony, Barton, Dix, Holmes, Jackson, King, McGee, Murray, Potter]

These Live Tomorrow, Clinton Lee Scott, Skinner House, 1997
[Anthony, Barton, Emerson, King, Murray, Priestly, Rush, Thoreau]

UU's Make a Difference Biography Card, Series I and Series II, by Beth Brownfield (Rustic Lodge Press, 107 W. Rustic Lodge Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55409
[Barton, Emerson, Howe, Latimer, Lismer, Nightingale, Potter, Thoreau, Young]

A Year With Our Liberal Heritage, Willard C. Frank, Jr., 1984
[Clarke, King, Thoreau]

© Helen Zidowecki, 10/2007

All materials copyright © 2008-2025 by Helen Zidowecki unless otherwise noted. - -

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