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Youth Programming


Following is a way of describing Balanced Religious Education/Youth Programming, adapted from the Unitarian Universalist Association Youth Office at . The respective components implement the Unitarian Universalist Affirmations, as suggested here (understanding that each Affirmation can apply to more than one component). These components are not mutually exclusive: a worship service can focus on a social justice issue; planning a social activity involves development of leadership and organizational skills. Churches and groups need to address all of the components but the focus and priorities will change.

Component/Bead Color



In YOUR congregation

Social Action/Faith in Action

Green, for treating the earth/each other responsibly.

Activities address problems and inequities in human relations. They occur on the congregation district and continental level, and in society. This is turning our faith into action.

Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations; and the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; and respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.


Red, our lifeblood and our passion.

Celebration of the religious community, focuses on the "worth-ship" of each person. There are formal services, such as Sunday morning, and more informal, such as centering at the beginning of a meeting.

Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations.

Activities/Fellowship/Building Community

Clear, signifies the transparency and openness in community,

Or Yellow, as the color of memory and reminiscence

Community building, or socializing, is a time for people to get to know one another. This is the time to bond together, share values, establish trust, generate intimacy, and practice acceptance. Community building is the time to share our liberal religious values by getting to know one another

The inherent worth and dignity of every person.


Purple, which is the color of royalty, leadership and self-governance

Development of leadership skills of youth and adults is critical to the future of our faith community. This also uses the democratic process within our congregations and society as a whole.

The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.


Blue. In some eastern philosophies, blue is the color of intellectual growth.

Curriculum is a resource, a reference, for the group and Teachers/Advisors. We create a safe place to expand our horizons and to learn more about the world around us.

A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

Youth/Adult Relations

Orange is for the warmth of the bond between youth and their elders,

Communities where youth and adults work together and have power with each other have huge potential. Intergenerational environments encourage all of the other components of youth programming.

All materials copyright © 2008-2025 by Helen Zidowecki unless otherwise noted. - -

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