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Northern New England District Welcoming Congregation

The Welcoming Congregation Network of the Northern New England District of the Unitarian Universalist Association started in Bangor, ME, in April 2006 with a meeting during lunch at the then Northeast District (Maine) Annual meeting. The discussion focused on how congregations can connect regarding the Welcoming Congregation for affirming Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and/or Trans and Questioning people. The Welcoming Congregation Conferences at Ferry Beach in Fall 2006 and Fall 2007 and the electronic list on the UUA website has allowed the sharing of events, the certification of congregations, and keeping abreast of resources and concerns.

The NNED Welcoming Congregation Network offers several specific activities:
*UUA certified Welcoming Congregations are recognized on this website and in the District Directory. Please let the District Office know when you become certified.

*Welcoming Congregation Table Talks are planned for lunch at the District Annual (Spring) and Fall meetings. These will focus on planning and suggestions for support to congregations and District activities.

*Workshops for congregations can be arranged. Ray and Connie Winship and Ted Trainer have offered workshops and consultation, and arrangements can be made with them. The Network is also open to developing cluster of district-wide workshops or longer conferences.

*There are Small Group Ministry Session plans that can be used in ongoing Small Group Ministry programs, and specifically for the Welcoming Congregation program.

*The electronic list off the UUA website provides an opportunity to share news and resources, and to pose and respond to questions. The electronic list can be accessed at and scroll to the “NED-WC”. (This is being changed to NNED-WC.) You can subscribe and unsubscribe yourself, or contact the District Office with the request.

Look for Welcoming Congregation Network items in Northern Lights (District Newsletter) and the District Annual Reports. Become involved to create an active and dynamic Network.

Information about the Welcoming Congregation Program can be found on the web site of the Office of Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Concerns of the Unitarian Universalist Association at

The Northern New England Welcoming Congregation Network core group has been:
*Ted Trainer, Kennebunk, ME,
*Ray and Connie Winship, Waterville, ME,
*Rev. Helen Zidowecki, Augusta, ME,
We are looking for additional Core Group members, especially from NH and VT.

All materials copyright © 2008-2025 by Helen Zidowecki unless otherwise noted. - -

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