This section originally held Youth Programming notes and ideas regarding the Northeast District. For this information now, please go to the site at

This section will continue to have ideas and resources for youth programming that can be used in various settings. For example, the Youth Programming Manual was originally developed for the district, but has been modified for generic use. The Balanced Program section was written as the materials have evolved in use with groups in the district, and are available for use in a variety of settings.

Small Group Ministry for Youth was written initially for the Small Group Ministry Network.

The background of Small Group Ministry gives the basis for developing ways in which this dynamic format can be available for Youth. This resource includes a session for facilitators, and discussion and session plans for The Five Steps to Building Community and Six Components of a Balanced Youth Program. A total of 25 session plans are included. Resource is punched and ready to be placed in a three ring binder. All proceeds from this resource in excess of development cost go to support the ministry of the UU SGM Network.

UU Small Group Ministry Network
Attn: Peter Bowdoin
155 Evarts Street, Newport, RI 02840
$25 per copy plus $5 shipping and handling
Make Checks payable to UU SGM Network

Additional sessions for youth will be posted here and can be downloaded at no cost. Your ideas for topics are welcome.

All materials copyright © 2008-2024 by Helen Zidowecki unless otherwise noted. --- --- --- December 22, 2024 7:07 am