Arranged by Helen Zidowecki

From 1928 until the present, Dorothy Spoerl has been a prolific writer, from weekly articles for the Young People's Christian Union in the Christian Leader, to articles in a variety on periodicals, to sermons that have been written (usually after being given), to reports, research and curriculum, Dorothy Spoerl has provided inspiration and guidance for religious educators and Unitarian Universalists in general. The items presented here have been collected primarily in a period of a little over 2 years (1993-1995). Following are notes about the format of this listing:

Title: Of the item. Items are alphabetical by title.

Author: This line will appear only if there is an author along with Dorothy Spoerl.

Date: Given by year. The latest date of publication is noted first, followed by the earliest publication date. For some items, dating has been a problem, especially since the Council of Liberal Churches and early Unitarian Universalist Association Religious Education Department did not always date items. The notation of "circa" appears with some items, indicating that the date is determined by the context of its appearance or in discussion with Dorothy.

Annotated notations briefly describe content and details of the origin of the item. The initials in [ ] at the end of the notation indicate the location of the item at the time completion of the project. Most of the items will eventually be available through the Sophia Fahs Center.
SDorothy Spoerl's personal collection;
MMeadville/Lombard Theological School, Sophia Fahs Religious Education Resource Center;
ZHelen Zidowecki's personal collection

Sources in the notations follow some abbreviations:
REReligious Education
LeaderUniversalist or Christian Leader (same publication, using different names at different times).
RegisterUnitarian or Christian Register (same publication, using different names at different times).

Age: This is given in years, with "20" indicating adult.

The letter following the number relates to the description of the item:
gguide, such as a curriculum guide or guide for a special group
ssermon or speech
vaudio visual, in this case, slides presentations

Topic: This essentially gives an indication of the content. The topic assignments are somewhat arbitrary and an item could be included with more than one topic, but only one topic is listed. The topics included are:
Administration (broad grouping related to implementing a religious education program)
Bible Stories
Church (church community)
Curriculum (curriculum itself or related to the use of a specific curriculum)
Groups (specific age groups or clusters)
Teaching (Including teachers)
Unitarian Universalism
Values (including creeds, principles)
Other (does not fit into the categories, or is "one of a kind" item)