Helen Zidowecki, Editor
This Catalog provides
an overview of Unitarian Universalist religious education materials.
The Catalog was published in 1993 and 1997, and initially put onto
this web page in 1997. Two critical changes have occurred over the
size of the Catalog has increased with the wealth of material being
developed by writers, especially as self-publishing and online
publishing has become more accessible.
the development of the Unitarian Universalist Religious Education
History Group in 2001, a number of older items are being identified
and cataloged, increasing the potential size of the Catalog.
Therefore, the Catalog
has been divided chronologically:
published before 1930 will be in the Catalog: Historic on the website
of the Unitarian Universalist Religious Education History Group
published 1930 and after will be on this website with a link from the
UURE History site.
The expectation is that
both of the Catalogs will be updated at least annually.
Obviously, not all of
the resources that are used by Unitarian Universalist Religious
Educators are included in this Catalog. The Catalog focuses on
Unitarian Universalist material that:

May has been found in churches, primarily in Maine!;

Has been produced or publicized through the Unitarian Universalist Association Religious Education/Lifespan Faith Development Department or its predecessors, including REACH packets (which changed to UU Faith Works with the Summer/Autumn 2002 edition) and various paper and electronic listings of available materials;

Is available from the UUA Bookstore;

Has come to the attention of the Editor, realizing that there are additional materials which may have escaped her attention.
In addition to the
catalog material itself, there are sections related to the use of

Curriculum in Context" of the larger Religious Education Program.

Using Older Material"

Evaluating Curricula for Use in Your Church" based on
Curriculum Mapping format.
The completeness of the information depends on the information available to the Editor.
about the Catalog itself or about specific items,
that you would like to have considered for inclusion,
about availability of a printed copy,
to:Rev. Helen
Zidowecki, 32 Stevenstown Road, Litchfield, Maine 04350, or e-mail:
Inquiries about
religious education material can also be directed to the:
Universalist Association, Lifespan Faith Development (previously
Religious Education) at 25 Beacon Street, Massachusetts 02108,
(617-742-2100), or electronically at the Unitarian Universalist
Association Web page at
and click onto Religious Education, then onto Curriculum and
The Unitarian Universalist Bookstore at
1-800-215-9076 or the Unitarian Universalist web page
Lyons Fahs Center for the Study of Religious
Meadville/Lombard Theological School
5701 South
Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60637 (312-753-3195)
ROOM: Lifespan Religious Education Curricula Resources at
UU CARDS (Unitarian Universalist Curriculum and Resource Developers),
a membership organization of independent Unitarian Universalists
writers, on