Albert Frederick Ziegler WE ARE ALWAYS LEARNING UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST ALPHABET Please read the Overview before using this Plan. Z z Letter Z introduces the contributions of and the youth in the congregation. MATERIALS: Construction paper Letter with hole punched in top, yarn for necklace Snacks: zuccini Note: If this is the last session of the curriculum or the year, collect items from the various letters, at least for the letters of members of the group, for the Closing. GETTING STARTED: Welcome. After each person says his or her name, the group responds, “Welcome, (name).” For a child who is attending for the first time this year, add name to the letters that have been posted and to the attendance sheet, and make a nametag during or after the session. Leave an empty chair for someone who is not present or for someone who has not joined the group yet. The Letter of the Day: Talk about the Letter. Give the Letter Necklace to a person with that initial. Talk about the things that the children have brought for the Letter, and/or Letter Bag. Put the things related to the letter in the Special Place SPECIAL PERSON: Albert Frederick Ziegler (March 29 1911-May 21, 1991) was part of a group of 10 Universalist ministers who met to learn and to show new ways of understanding Universalism a few years before the Unitarians and the Universalists joined together. This group met when they were studying to be ministers at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts. They continued to meet for about 9 years after they graduated. One way to keep learning is to meet with others to share what we have learned and see what others have learned. We can do this all of our lives. In 1945 Albert had been ordained to Universalist ministry in Rockport, Massachusetts. “Ordained” means that a church recognizes and celebrates the learning needed to become a minister. He was the minister in several churches then took positions where he helped churches to become stronger. Albert also was connected with Ferry Beach Park Association. (Recall Quillen Shinn, who founded Ferry Beach.) One of Albert’s friends from his study group was also active there. In fact, there is a room at Ferry Beach that is named after Alfred Zeigler! It is a place where people of all ages continue to learn. AFFIRMATION: We are always learning. There may be groups in your church that meet regularly to learn and share, such as Small Group Ministry or Covenant groups, study groups around a specific interest, or book groups. Their own religious education program is a learning group. In learning groups, people share their ideas and learn from others. Invite them to share something that they have learned recently. THE LETTER Z IN THE CHURCH A-B-C Animals: Zebra Zoo: Talk about care of animals in zoos and animal parks. Visit a zoo, have someone familiar with a zoo or animal park speak with the group, or show a video produced by a zoo or animal park. Body: Calendar: Year (like the change of the date) Note the date of the session and any special events for the day, including birthdays. Note items beginning with that letter Note events between today and the next session. CLOSING: Gather things that represent the various letters in the Special Place. "We give thanks for the all of the Letters of the alphabet. We have shared and learned about special people and animals and ourselves and our church. May we leave in love and peace. Invite each person to say what letter they especially like right then and whatever they would like to say about that letter. When everyone is through, leave with “May we leave in love a peace and always keep learning.” © Helen Zidowecki, 10/2007